Apex Legends is the hottest new Battle Royale game on the market, growing more every day. While strategy is obviously on a lot of people's minds, everyone wants to know how to get the coolest loot. Here is everything you need to know about how to get Wraith Knife and what it does in Apex Legends. Apex Legends is packed with all sorts secrets still waiting to be discovered. One particular puzzle, the Nessy plushies, have players scrambling to find them all in the game. If you want to see the monster easter egg, here's where you can find all of the Nessy locations in Apex Legends.

Apex Legends continues to gain momentum with each passing day, from the looks of it. If last Thursday Respawn Entertainment announced that its freshly-released, free-to-play battle royale had surpassed 10M total and 1M concurrent players, the studio revealed today that the number of total players has gone over 25M in the first week following launch. What a week. Since we launched Apex Legends last week on Monday we've seen the creation of an Apex Legends community that is excited, thriving, and full of great feedback and ideas. Our goal is to build this game with you, our community, so keep giving us your feedback because we really are listening, Respawn Entertainment's Vince Zampella said in a post on the game's website. Come to mmocs.com now, you can buy Apex Coins with fast delivery and 100% safety.

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