JS, as he's called by his friends and peers, also told us one of the benefits he found with returning to the world of Far Cry 5, explaining how "it's been a long time that I've been making games at Ubisoft. I had a frustration, that we made these big games, we take a lot of time making them, then we show people the world and you play them and it's super cool, then you put them on your shelf. And we do that too. And I was super happy to actually re-open the box and continue playing with the toys and the characters and the dolls, you see what I mean? I was really happy that once I could do that."
Far Cry New Dawn is the latest game to provide some Splinter Cell references, and Ubisoft has even been bold enough to show these off in a new Easter Egg video on the official German channel. Below you can see the iconic goggles that Fisher dons, as well as the whole suit, and a downed cargo plane contains other goodies like notes and a computer too. New game plus tends to add a ton of replayability to a title, providing players the opportunity to replay through the entire story with all of their skills and weapons that they've unlocked in their first playthrough. The difficulty often gets nudged up a bit so it's not a complete walk in the park, too.
To business, first. New Dawn takes place many years after the ending events of Far Cry 5, when a nuke randomly dropped on the whole world and destroyed everything, and only Joseph Seed and the Deputy were left alive. Far Cry New Dawn picks up the story after that, and gives us a look at how Hope County has improved and deteriorated since the events of that fateful day. At first, it's intriguing. You play an unnamed character who journeys to Hope County in an effort to help rebuild the place. However, things don't go as planned, as they never do, and your entourage is waylaid by the Highwaymen. Best and Cheapest Far Cry New Dawn Credits For Sale - Mmocs.com.
Far Cry has always prided itself with powerful and memorable antagonists, with the Seeds from FC5 being no exception, so we wondered what the new villains would bring to the table. "Yes, so, Micky and Lou are the villains of Far Cry: New Dawn. They are twins, they're in charge of the Highwaymen. They're quite straight forward in their way of seeing the world you know? They have fixed, very clear objectives. The world has gone to shit and they want to make sure they have what they need to survive. If it means hurting people or getting rid of people, they're gonna do it.
Of course all eyes will be on E3 this year, but that was the case last year and we didn't get anything. With Blacklist landing in 2013 though, it's now been six years since the last entry in the series, and fans are clearly eager to step back into the agent's shoes.